
bioseet GmbHKopernikusstraße 1181679


BIOSEET GmbH is a private limited company following German law with registred office in Munich, Germany.

Chief Executive Officer is Olaf Ucksche

BIOSEET GmbH is registred in the trade register of the Local Court of Munich, Germany with the number HRB252514

The value added tax identification number is DE327058058

Responsible for contents

Kopernikusstraße 11
81679 Munich

Disclaimer of warranty

BIOSEET GmbH is disclaiming any warranties for topicality, completeness or correctness  of any information on this website or to have trouble-free access to this website at any time. Warranty for any damages, direct or indirect, caused by the use of this website are excluded unless caused by willful or grossly negligent behaviors.


All imagery, texts and all other contents on this website are subject to the copyrights of BIOSEET GmbH. The contents of this website may not be copied, spread or varied or provisioned to third parties for business purposes without prior explicit and written consent by BIOSEET GmbH